EKU focuses on sustainable agriculture, hands-on learning opportunities

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Eastern Kentucky University’s sustainable agricultural practices are setting high standards for college campuses. According to a news release, EKU’s 720-acre Meadowbrook Farm currently houses cattle […]
Jennie Stuart Board issues letter concerning Deaconess merger

Jennie Stuart Health officials declined an invitation to come to Thursday’s Hopkinsville Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss the upcoming partnership with Deaconess Health, instead they issued a letter […]
Hopkinsville native competing in Ky. Miss Pre-Teen Pageant this weekend

Hopkinsville will have representation at the 2024 Miss Pre-Teen Kentucky County Fair Pageant this weekend, as Bristol Hale of Hopkinsville is set to compete for the state title. The daughter […]
Hopkinsville Parks and Rec has a full slate of events to wrap up October

Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation is gearing up for holiday themed events this month, along with the Hoptown Half-Marathon and 5K set for this weekend. With the influx of runners and […]
Soles4Souls partnering with TVA to bring shoes to kids in need in Kentucky counties

The global non-profit Soles4Souls is partnering with the Tennessee Valley Authority to expand their services to rural children in the TVA’s service areas. Soles4Souls is committed to distributing shoes to […]
Gordon Park to benefit from Fish Fry Fundraiser

It’s time for a fish fry fundraiser, and the one set for October 25 is set to benefit Gordon Park in Crofton. There will be all the staples of a […]