Local Boys and Girls Club Director shares program, expansion updates

Hopkinsville-Christian County Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Terrence Davis provided program updates and spotlighted the club’s expansion plans at Tuesday’s Hopkinsville Rotary Club meeting. Davis shared that 2025 […]
Fiscal Court approves budget amendments, recognizes 102-year-old veteran

Christian Fiscal Court made quick work of the agenda at Tuesday morning’s meeting, where they heard reports and approved an amendment to the fiscal year budget for 2024-2025. Judge-Executive Jerry […]
New Senate Bill plans to expand agricultural opportunities

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode Senator Jason Howell is pushing for agriculture economic development with a new Senate Bill. Senator Howell, of Murray, has filed SB 28, intending to establish […]
Murray Police arrest pair for armed robbery

Murray Police arrested 18-year-old Carter Collins of Murray and a male juvenile after they reportedly robbed a pizza delivery driver on Monday. Officers received a report alleging that two individuals […]
Local high school Academic Teams meet in competition, showcasing student talent

It was a day for academic competition Saturday, as local high school academic teams went head-to-head to see who would emerge as the district champions. Teams from Hopkinsville High School, […]
HES announces planned power outage to replace damaged utility pole

Hopkinsville Electric System announced that power for some customers along Fort Campbell Boulevard is set to be shut off early Thursday morning as workers replace a damaged utility pole. The […]
Police arrest Hopkinsville man for fleeing from traffic stop

Hopkinsville Police arrested 40-year-old Christopher Winters of Hopkinsville on Monday after he reportedly fled from a traffic stop. According to a report from police, officers witnessed Winters make an improper […]
Kentucky Farm Bureau honored with four Awards of Excellence

Kentucky Farm Bureau was recognized recently with four Awards of Excellence at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 106th Convention. According to a news release, those Awards of Excellence recognize state […]
Hear from state legislators at League Coffee with Our Legislators event in February

The Hopkinsville League of Women Voters is hosting the third annual Coffee with Our Legislators event in February and the public is encouraged to attend. The open forum event will […]
New traffic signal going up at Trenton Road intersection in Clarksville

A new traffic signal is going up at the intersection of Trenton Road and the new Spring Creek Parkway in Clarksville in early February. According to a news release, the […]