Trial date set for fatal crash manslaughter suspect

A trial date was set in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday for manslaughter suspect Jaden Johnson.  Johnson is represented by public defender Eric Bearden, who informed Judge John Atkins they he’s […]

Complicity to murder suspect to receive new attorney

Complicity to murder suspect Dekorian Daniel will soon have new representation, as his attorney withdrew from the case Wednesday in Christian Circuit Court. Daniel—who is charged with complicity to murder […]

Kentucky host largest livestock show of the year

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode The nation’s largest all-breed, purebred livestock show is coming back to Kentucky to celebrate 50 years of exceptional animal production.  The North American International Livestock […]

Lewis to serve as Freedom Elementary principal

Freedom Elementary School will have a new principal, after the Site-Based Decision-Making Council has selected Monique Lewis for the position.  According to a news release, the council was in full […]