Lady Tigers topple Christian County in tennis

Hopkinsville High School earned a 5-3 high school tennis win over Christian County Monday afternoon at the Ruff Park tennis courts.

Chiani Leak, Brooke Stewart, and Evelyn Bangart picked up singles wins for the Lady Tigers. Leak and Stewart and Bangart and Eliza Renshaw picked up doubles wins.

For Christian County, Emmerson Boyd and Sara Godsey earned singles wins. The Lady Colonels also won a doubles match with Addison Renshaw and Emmerson Boyd.

Hopkinsville is scheduled to play University Heights Academy this afternoon and Christian County is slated to play at Union County on Thursday.

Match Results:

Singles – Leak (H) def. Molly Cansler 6-2, 6-1; Stewart (H) def. Lacey Page 6-1, 6-1; Bangart (H) def. Addison Peck 8-5; Boyd (CC) def. Callie Loden 8-1; Godsey (CC) def. Courtney Scott 8-0. Doubles – Leak/Stewart (H) def. Cansler/Page 6-3, 6-2; Bangart//Renshaw (H) def. Peck/T. Glass 6-4, 6-4; Renshaw/Boyd (CC) def. Loden/Scott 8-0.

Photo by Joe Wilson