Christian County Public Schools Activities Director Kerry Stovall says plans are already in the works for consolidation of athletics at Christian County and Hopkinsville high schools. He also said there is a plan for the future of Hopkinsville High School softball.
Stovall, appearing on the Early Bird Show Thursday morning, said preparations are already being made for the Fall of 2026 when the new Christian County Tigers will hit the field.
With only five months before the final football, soccer, golf, volleyball, and cross country seasons begin at Hoptown and County, Stovall said his priority is honoring the alumni and especially the seniors next season.
The 2025-26 season will be the final year for respective athletics at Christian County High School and Hopkinsville High School.
On another topic, Hopkinsville High School’s softball team did not have enough players to have a season this spring.
Stovall said school administrators had been trying to build interest since October, but eventually a decision had to be made to pause the program in 2025.
Stovall said the school already has put plans in place to build interest and make sure the softball program comes back for one last season in 2026.
Stovall said any softball player at Hopkinsville could have transferred to Christian County High School and played this spring. Only one player took advantage of that opportunity.