UHA’s Kyler Baker wins Player of the Week

This week’s Jennie Stuart Orthopedic – Michael Venable State Farm Player of the Week is Kyler Baker.

Kyler is a senior at University Heights and a member of the Blazers basketball team.

He is currently averaging 6 points per game but is coming off a 18 point performance against Heritage Christian on January 9.

Unlike some of our other basketball players that have won this award, Kyler did not start playing basketball as soon as he could walk.

It wasn’t actually until the eighth grade that Kyler decided to take up the sport, and his reasoning for stepping on the court was quite unique.

When it came to starting basketball late, Kyler needed a lot of extra practice and time to work on his craft.

Baker says that his improvement and constant playing led to his love for the game and has encouraged him to keep playing.

Over the winter break, University Heights had the chance to travel to Las Vegas, Nevada to compete in the Tarkanian Classic.

Kyler shared his thoughts on the trip and gave a few details on his flight experience.

Terry Hayes, who is in his first year as the head coach at UHA had great things to say about to include his behavior on and off the court.

When asked about Baker’s leadership as a senior, Hayes noted that Kyler is vocal but also leads by example and has provided a spark that has shifted he and his other teammates into another gear.

When asked about his goals for the team this year, Baker was very clear on what he and his teammates want to do.

Lastly, when it comes to basketball, like many other players Kyler uses it as a form of therapy, which is one of his favorite parts about the game.