HES celebrates 25 years of providing broadband internet

Hopkinsville Electric System and Energynet (HES) celebrated 25 years of providing broadband internet and serving over 10,000 customers on Tuesday.

HES General Manager, Jeff Hurd says as a result of the storms that impacted the region on May 26, they have been busy restoring power and internet across the region, so he was happy to pause and celebrate this anniversary. Hurd says 25 years ago members of company questioned whether they should venture into internet and now they are serving over 10,000 customers.

Hurd recognized former members of HES who were integral in establishing and growing their broadband internet services. Hurd introduced former General Manager Austin Carroll who served in the role for around 30 years.

As a result of Carroll’s leadership, Hurd says HES took its first steps into internet providing. When HES first started its internet work, Carroll says it was a time when big internet providers like AT&T did not want to provide broadband internet to smaller communities like Hopkinsville.

Back then, Carroll says he thought internet would promote economic development in Hopkinsville and after 25 years he believes it has.

Carroll introduced, Roger Smith a former member of HES who worked to establish and expand HES’s internet program. Smith shared some of the obstacles they overcame while introducing internet to the community.

Smith says expanding broadband internet in the community was one of his proudest bodies of work and is happy to see HES continuing this service for the community.

Smith then introduced Richard Shaw the Regional Telecommunications Manager who is set to retire. Shaw talked about his experience at HES and thanked those in local government for supporting their internet service expansion.

To conclude the event, commemorative coins were given out recognizing HES’s anniversary and milestones.