Christian County School Board approves school construction change orders

The Christian County School Board recognized the work of their student board representatives, approved construction change orders for the consolidated Christian County High School and approved the purchase of school buses at their meeting on Thursday.

Before the meeting got underway the board recognized Hopkinsville High School student representative, Kylie Batts and Christian County High School student representative, Jesslyn Sharkey for being voices students. The board also recognized Hopkinsville High School graduate Ian Rosario for winning the Boys’ 300 Meter Hurdles State Championship and Sinking Fork Elementary School for receiving the cleanest building of the year award.

School District Communications Director, Johnna Brown shared that the board approved three construction change orders for the consolidated Christian County High School that lowered the overall price tag on the school. The changes included the reduction of a science classroom sink, the reduction of a plumbing scope and soil remediation.

Turning toward potential demolitions, Brown says the board approved modifying a project application for what will soon be the demolition of the Christian County Learning Center. The board will discuss and vote on demolition at a later meeting.

The board also the approved the purchase of three rear engine buses totaling to around $535,000.

Feature photo from the board’s June 6 meeting