Ky. Auditor pens letter to demand access to Cabinet for Health and Family Services database

Auditor Allison Ball has issued a demand to the Governor’s Office for access to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services database. 

The letter penned by Auditor Ball and Ombudsman Jonathan Grate seeks restoration of full access to iTWIST, a database containing information pertinent to ensuring that Kentucky’s most vulnerable populations receive the government services that they need.

This comes after the Commonwealth Office of the Ombudsman moved to the Auditor’s Office at the start of July, and Auditor Ball states it needs full access to iTWIST to fully perform its duties to investigation systems in the CHFS concerning employees and public service programs. The Cabinet however, is opposing the Ombudsman’s direct access to iTWIST.

Auditor Ball states, “Kentucky’s children, elderly, and those in need deserve public servants who will work diligently for their benefit, not create barriers. I am hopeful CHFS will restore access to the iTWIST system so the Ombudsman’s Office can advocate for citizens and ensure that those seeking public services receive fair treatment.”

Until this matter is resolved, the Auditor and Ombudsman have also issued an evidence preservation letter directing the Cabinet to refrain from destroying any iTWIST records or the iTWIST system that existed prior to and after the transfer of the office.