Police arrest Hopkinsville man for allegedly attempting to stab person

Hopkinsville Police arrested 35-year-old Billy McAndrews of Hopkinsville on Saturday after he reportedly attempted to stab a person with a knife.

According to a report, police responded to a residence for reports of an assault. Police made contact with the victim who reportedly told officers that McAndrews attempted to stab them following an argument.

According to the victim, they had returned home where McAndrews was to obtain some of their personal belongings when the pair started arguing. During the argument, McAndrews reportedly grabbed a knife and cornered them in a bedroom.

McAndrews then reportedly attempted to push the victim onto a bed before he dropped the knife and the victim was able to kick it away. A physical altercation then ensured which allegedly left the victim with bruises and minor scratches on their arm. The victim also presented officers with an audio recording of the incident.

Officers then made contact with McAndrews who was reportedly found laying of the floor in his home and complained about having a seizure. He later reportedly stated that the victim pushed him onto the floor and stepped on his knee that he recently had surgery on. McAndrews also allegedly admitted to having the knife, but claimed he intended to use it on himself.

McAndrews was charged with first-degree wanton endangerment and fourth-degree assault.