Federal, state agencies to increase feral swine reduction effort in LBL

Federal and state agencies are expanding feral swine reduction efforts in Land Between the Lakes in Tennessee and Kentucky. 

A partnership between the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency will use aerial operations, along with bait trappings, to euthanize feral swine in Land Between the Lakes.

Feral pigs are not native to LBL and threaten native plant and wildlife species, along with visitor safety. The hope is the combined effort in this year will include more helicopter flights and increased chances to search for and direct the feral swine in such away that specialists can shoot the population from the air. Most of these operations will happen in Tennessee, with some action north of Kentucky border, where feral swine have been spotted.

Land Between the Lakes is seeking to fully eradicate feral swine to protect and conserve native game species such as white-tailed deer and turkey. 

Visitors recreating should be aware of additional official vehicles and aircraft in areas of Land Between the Lakes for the remainder of the winter. Any one who sights feral swine in LBL is asked to inform officials immediately.