Case between Board, Save Jennie Stuart dismissed following agreement

After arguing their way into Christian Circuit Civil Court, the case between the Jennie Stuart Health Board of Trustees and Save Jennie Stuart, Inc. has come to a close with a dismissal. 

In an order modifying settlement signed by Judge Andrew Self, it clarifies that by agreement between the parties, the Board of Trustees of Jennie Stuart Medical Center may vote on whether to enter into the proposed merger between Jennie Stuart and Deaconess Health before the date of March 31.  It had been previously ruled that they must delay that vote until the 31st. 

All claims arrested in the litigation are also dismissed, with prejudice, and the court shall retain jurisdiction to resolve in disputes concerning the settlement. 

In a news release from Save Jennie Stuart, Inc. (SJS) they state that as a result of their efforts and the initial pause in the merger process, Deaconess did make an offer of a deal they consider to be more favorable to the community.  SJS member Dan Kemp says Deaconess has agreed to invest another $5 million into IT equipment for the hospital and to donate an additional $5 million to the Jennie Stuart Health Foundation over a period of years, based on certain performance metrics.

Deaconess had already committed $95 million to Jennie Stuart and $5 million to the Jennie Stuart Health Foundation. That includes fully support the cost of IT enhancements, including integration into the EPIC electronic health systems.  All Jennie Stuart staff and physicians who are in good standing would be retained upon completion of the merger.

It goes on to state that although the members of SJS continue to “oppose the takeover and mourn the loss of Jennie Stuart’s assets to an Evansville-based health care conglomerate”, the hope the joining will result in better medical care for the community and continued contributions made by Jennie Stuart to the community in the coming years. 

WHOP News reached out to Jennie Stuart Health Board Chair Leslie Carroll, but she had no comment to add at this time.

When a possible vote to merge Jennie Stuart and Deaconess might be held is currently unknown.