Bond modification denied in Sharpe Street murder case

A motion for bond modification was denied in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday morning for murder suspect Cortez Hairston Jr. and attorneys continue to hash out issues concerning evidence.

Hairston appeared alongside defense attorney Rob Eggert, who once again brought up a possible deal struck with a co-defendant for their testimony, though he’s been unable to get officially paperwork detailing what that deal may have contained. He requested an evidentiary hearing be set so all the details can be determined.

Judge John Atkins held off on making an evidentiary hearing just yet, telling Eggert and contact the prior Commonwealth’s Attorney that was handling the case, and host a conference call with him and current prosecutor Zac Greenwell. 

He says if after that an evidentiary hearing is still needed, they can look into scheduling one. Judge Atkins also denied a motion for bond modification.

Eggert also brought up an issue on how his client can view evidence while incarcerated in the Christian County Jail, and was advised to speak with the Jailor and come up with a plan that will allow Hairston to view his evidence.

Hairston is currently set to go to trial in March.

A grand jury in April of last year indicted Hairston for murder and 24-year old Jaila Sherrod and 23-year old Dekorian Daniel for complicity to murder in connection with the October, 2021 fatal shooting death of 23-year old Adrian Acree at Sharpe and Jones Street in Hopkinsville.