Christian County Clerk shares primary election updates

With Kentucky’s Primary Election right around the corner on May 21, Christian County Clerk Melinda Humphries appeared on WHOP on Tuesday and highlighted early voting changes and the implementation of a new ballot printing system.

For those who want a mail-in absentee ballot for the upcoming election, Humphries says the deadline to request an absentee ballot is May 7 at  

Ahead of election day three days have been designated for early voting and three polling places will be open for those who want to vote ahead of election day with no excuse necessary. Early voting typically takes place at the Senior Citizen Center, the Walnut Street Center and the James E. Bruce Convention Center.

Humphries says the Bruce Center will not be an early voting center because they have a busy schedule and instead Southside Church of Christ will be an early voting center.

Regarding voting procedure, Humphries says they have a new system that will print ballots on demand. Humphries says election workers won’t have to go through preprinted ballots to find the correct ballot for voters. Instead, voters will provide their information to election workers and the system will print a blank ballot for the voter.

Early voting runs from May 16 to May 18 and polling places will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on election day itself all 13 polling places in the county will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. A full list of election day polling places can be found at