Deadline for bell hooks Memorial Writing Contest fast approaching

The deadline to enter a piece into the bell hooks Memorial Writing Contest with the Christian County Literacy Council is fast approaching on January 31. 

The contest, held in honor and memory of Hopkinsville native and renowned author bell hooks—also known as Gloria Jean Watkins—is set to do so by celebrating writing and literacy at all levels, from five years of age and up. All works must be with the theme of “Memories” and must be submitted by January 31.

The age categories are 5-to8 years of age, 9 to 12 years old, 13-to-17 years and then 18 and up—eligible works must be long or shot form submission, typed in a word processor using Times New Roman size 12 font, and entrants can only submit one work. 

The Literacy Council is also looking for volunteers for their Real Men Read Program.

For more information on either event, contact the Christian County Literacy Council via their Facebook.