Elly Hampton: Pioneering a Bright Future in Agriculture

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode

The agriculture industry is a changing industry and Elly Hampton is eager to be a part of that change. Hampton is no stranger to agriculture life, born and raised in Madisonville, she is serving as her Future Farmers of Agriculture (FFA) chapter’s President. This is just a tip of the iceberg for Hampton’s involvement in Ag. 

Hampton has been involved in a variety of areas within agriculture, chapter involvement, sheep showing and recently the Kentucky Junior Cattlemen’s Association (KJCA). This variety of her involvement has given her the ability to experience all parts of agriculture to develop a love for the industry outside of the traditional Ag classroom. 

Of course agriculture education is still very important to Hampton as she strives to utilize advocacy in any walk of life she decides to pursue. One way Hampton and her chapter have encouraged others with their excitement for the industry is with the Freight Box Challenge. 

The Freight Box Challenge is a shipping container turned medical clinic that will leave a huge impact on the country of Liberia. The medical clinic will provide countless individuals with a safe place to receive the medical care that they desperately need. 

With just a brief glimpse at Hampton’s life you will see she has a love for the industry, immediately you notice her ambition and passion to learn more about the industry that has given so much to her. It is exceptionally evident with the way she has immersed herself in KJCA, Hampton has attended the Kentucky Beef Council’s Youth Leadership Program and the Nebraska Youth Beef Leadership Symposium (NYBLS).

Hampton’s trip to Nebraska with NYBLS left her confident in the direction the industry is headed, the impression this trip made on Hampton is one she will never want to forget. 

With the world of agriculture changing it is certain rural America is here to stay. This is something Hampton has expressed throughout her time with being involved in Ag. The confidence she has in where her future lies with the industry is admirable. 

When asked about where she sees herself in the future of the industry Hampton expressed the need for the industry to continue. Agriculture is just one of the few industries that has the ability to impact everyone in the world. The diversity of the industry is growing with technology revolutionizing the way of the rural world. 

All in all, Hampton sparks curiosity for the agriculture industry wherever she goes and will continue to be a change maker for the betterment of her community.