Farm Safety and Health Awareness week to harvest wellness

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode

Agriculture Commissioner, Jonathan Shell announced that September 15 through the 21 will be Farm Safety and Health Week in Kentucky. 

Farm Safety and Health Week serves to promote farmer’s mental and physical health as well as farm safe practices. The theme of the week is “Don’t Learn Safety by Accident” to emphasize the stress of agricultural life and the importance of being proactive about safety. 

Mental health awareness among farmers has increased due to market uncertainty, so creating supportive communities, providing access to mental health resources, and promoting self-care practices will be encouraged during the week. 

Shell says, “Farmers must be vigilant about their surroundings from machinery accidents, chemical exposure, unruly livestock, grain bin entrapment, severe weather, and many others. In Kentucky, we have made great strides to mitigate these risks to make farming safer than ever before, but one farm injury is one too many. Whether you are on the farm, on the road, or in the home, please take that extra step to protect yourself and those around you.”

The week does not only serve to encourage safety and health for farmers, but to also educate the public on the steps they can take to keep a farmer safe in their community.