HCC leadership provides Rotary Scholars Program update

Hopkinsville Community College leadership were at Tuesday’s Hopkinsville Rotary Club meeting to provide an update on the Rotary Scholars Program.

The Rotary Scholars Program launched in 2012 and allows students who graduate from high schools in Christian County to attend HCC tuition free for two years and obtain their associates degree.

HCC Vice President of Student Affairs, Angel Prescott spotlighted changes coming to the program and data about how it has impacted students.

Starting in the fall, Prescott says they will no longer be requiring students to take an orientation to college course during their senior year of high school. Instead, students in the program will take an orientation class during their first semester at HCC which will be more tailored to their academic journey.

Prescott says around 44% of students enrolled in classes for the fall 2024 semester are set to receive some form of financial assistance from the Rotary Club.

Rotary Scholar students who graduated in 2021 and 2022 where recently surveyed and provided feedback on the program. Prescott says the majority of alumni who filled out the survey shared that the program was essential to reducing financial barriers allowing them to focus more on their education.

More information about the Rotary Scholars Program is available at hopkinsville.kctcs.edu.