Hopkinsville Rotary Club looking for donations, sponsorships for upcoming auction

The 74th annual Hopkinsville Rotary Auction is fast approaching, and they’re putting out the word for donations and sponsorships now. 

The auction itself is set for the week of April 22, but Auction Chair Kelly Gates there are ways to get involved now that will help make the auction a tremendous success to support their Rotary Scholars program.  She says they’re looking for sponsors for the auction itself, from Big Board Sponsors to Night Sponsors.

They’re also putting out the call to local bakers—donations can be made to the Sweet Shop during the auction, which will be open alongside the diner, providing people with all their food favorites.

While the auction itself is the main event, the real fundraising powerhouse of the Rotary Auction is the Hour Club, and Gates says you can donate $186, which is the cost of attending one credit hour at Hopkinsville Community College.

This year’s theme for the WHOP Rotary Radio Auction is “Purposeful Pathways”. For more information on how to get involved or make a donation, contact the Rotary Club of Hopkinsville by calling (270) 886-3034.