HPD officer graduates Criminal Justice Training academy

Thirty-one law enforcement officers from across the state, including Hopkinsville and other local communities, have graduated from the Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training’s basic training academy. 

That includes Officer Jesse Bufford of the Hopkinsville Police Department, Ethan Hulburt with the Dawson Springs Police Department and Brandon Grayson with the Russellville Police Department. The graduates of Class 543 received more than 800 hours of recruit-level instruction over 20 weeks. Major training areas include patrol procedures, physical training, vehicle operations, defensive tactics, criminal law, traffic and DUI, firearms, criminal investigations and more.

Commissioner Nicolai Jilek says, “Today you leave this academy and have earned more than the honor of carrying a badge. You now carry with you the responsibility of serving with honor, integrity, fairness and transparency. Take this responsibility to heart and the people you protect will see how much you care.”