Mayor Knight talks weather preparedness, code enforcement

With the turn of the new year, code enforcement for the City of Hopkinsville is now fully in the hands of the Hopkinsville Fire Department, and the mayor says they’re ready to hit the ground running.

First, Mayor J.R. Knight says they are keeping a close eye on the weather forecast, and he says Public Works is ready to act in the event of any accumulating snow, but he also asks people to have patience and slow it down if you must drive in any hazardous conditions.

Code enforcement used to under the supervision of Community Development Services, but its now under the umbrella of the fire department, with Mayor Knight saying they’ve designated code enforcement employees to aid in that endeavor.

He says they’ll be cracking down on dilapidated properties, abandoned automobiles, property maintenance—and while he knows it won’t be a popular decision, he’s focused on cleaning up Hopkinsville.

Demolition has begun on the Walnut Street Stadium, with the mayor saying it will likely take some time—especially due to the weather—and while he hates to see it go, he says it is a matter of public safety.