Missions Hopkinsville looking for communities help in supporting local homeless population

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode

Missions Hopkinsville is sounding the alarm on the homelessness crisis in Hopkinsville, and they’re looking for community support to help those in need. 

Missions Hopkinsville is a non-profit organization founded by Connor Brown to help meet the needs of the community. Brown started the organization in January of this year and has been supported solely on community donations since. The donations are used to purchase food, clothing, hygiene items, and anything else an individual might need. 

Brown says that establishing Missions Hopkinsville was to create a local ministry focused on providing food for anyone in need. Since January Missions of Hopkinsville has already supplied over 600 meals to individuals in the community. 

Brown says, the support from the community is what keeps them going, as they average 30 to 40 meals a week and have only been able to reach about 50% of the homeless residents in Hopkinsville. 

Brown started the organization out of his truck, but has been saving and raising funds to one day purchase a building to house everything the community has donated to Missions Hopkinsville. 

Feeding the homeless in Hopkinsville is just the beginning for the organization, Brown says. He hopes to one day create a homeless shelter not just in Hopkinsville but motivate other cities to do the same. 

If you are interested in following Missions Hopkinsville along on their journey, Brown welcomes you to follow their Facebook at Missions Hopkinsville, where you can donate to their Go Fund Me.