International Overdose Awareness Day is August 31 and in Hopkinsville, addiction recovery organizations, Oxford House of Hopkinsville and Saving Grace are coming together to host an inaugural Overdose Awareness Rally.
Sarah Clark from Oxford House, says the rally is a chance for the community to remember those close to them that have died as a result of drug overdose and it’s also a chance for people to connect to addiction recovery resources. Jackie Demarco from Saving Grace says the organizations came together last year to plan the event with the goal of helping those in need start a path to recovery.
Clark says the rally will include members of the community giving testimonials on how drug overdose has impacted their lives, along with a balloon release, music, recovery resource booths and food trucks. Around 20 community and regional addiction recovery organizations are set to be in attendance.
In September, both organizations will be partnering again for the second annual Recovery Fair. Similar to the rally, the fair will include addiction recovery resources, and this year Demarco says there will be more fun activities for kids such as face painting, rock painting and a foam party.
The rally is set for August 31 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and the fair is set for September 28 from noon to 3 p.m. Both events will be at the Christian County Justice Center parking lot.