Todd Fiscal Court approves next step for planning and zoning

Todd Fiscal Court approved the next step in the process for joint city-county planning and zoning and a resolution to support the establishment of a School of Veterinary Medicine at Murray State University. 

Efforts to create a joint city-county planning and zoning commission in Todd County have been underway for some time, and County Attorney Jeff Traughber recommended the approval of the next incremental step—a cooperation agreement—in the process at Friday’s meeting of the Fiscal Court. The comprehensive plan is nearing completion, which means soon public hearings will be held to get input from the public.

Fiscal Court approved the agreement, which dealt only with the comprehensive plan and allows the process to move forward. 

County Clerk Cindy O’Bryan says she and her staff are learning the new vehicle registration system that has been installed and updated and she has hope that they’ll be ready for serving the public sometime next week.

In other action, magistrates approved a resolution—just like the one passed by Christian and other surrounding counties and cities—to show support for establishment of a School of Veterinary Medicine at Murray State University.  It was approved unanimously.