Traffic stop results in a Cadiz man being arrested for drug trafficking

After he was stopped by police for the suspicion of driving under the influence, Raekwon Stubblefield of Cadiz was arrested for drug related charges on Saturday.

According to a report from the Hopkinsville Police Department an officer witnessed a vehicle traveling south on the Pennyrile Parkway that was having a hard time staying in its lane and was driving below the speed limit.

The responding officer conducted a traffic stop because they were reportedly suspicious that the driver may be operating their vehicle under the influence. The driver, Stubblefield was reported to be sweating profusely and had pinpoint pupils.

The officer then reportedly asked Stubblefield to do a series of sobriety tests to which he performed poorly on. Following the tests Stubblefield allegedly admitted to smoking earlier in the day.

Once he was detained Stubblefield reportedly told officers he smoked spice. While searching his vehicle, officers reportedly found three separate bags containing spice, two methamphetamine rocks and drug paraphernalia.

Stubblefield was then transported to Jennie Stuart Medical Center to have his blood drawn. Officers charged Stubblefield with first-degree trafficking in a controlled substance, trafficking in synthetic drugs, operating a vehicle while under the influence, operating a vehicle with a suspended license and possession of drug paraphernalia.