TVA prepares for winter weather, gives tips on energy savings

We have entered meteorological winter, and even though temperatures have been fairly mild so far, the Tennessee Valley Authority is ready for if they drop and is giving tips on how you can be too. 

Speaking with WHOP News recently, Spokesperson Adam May says there are plenty tips and tricks on how to prepare for winter weather and save on your energy bill, including switching the direction of your ceiling fans, lowering your thermostats a couple of degrees and taking advantage of a free heat source—the sun.

The TVA has also been taking some measures to make sure they’re prepared for winter weather, especially after Winter Storm Elliot last December that plunged the region into historically low temperatures. That resulted in rolling black outs through the TVA service area as they worked to meet the energy demand even though some systems froze in the arctic temperatures. 

May says they’ve invested a good chunk of funding into making sure that doesn’t happen again.

He urged residents to go online to where you can find more tips and incentives on making your home more energy efficient.

It is Winter Weather Awareness Week and for more information on winter weather and how to winterize in preparation, visit the National Weather Service in Paducah on Facebook or visit the TVA online.